
Some new albums on the way...

Probably some music we should all be listening to and looking forward too..

Laura Marling - "A Creature I don't know":

Dubbed by New York Times' Jon Pareles as "her new one and her best," the album to be released next week is streaming for free on the NY Times website. I've only listened to a couple of tracks so far but the album does certainly look good, a little different from her previous albums but I don't think its a bad thing and is probably just her voice ageing. My favourite that I've heard is "Night After Night" - possibly because it echoes Leonard Cohen's "sound" in "Famous Blue Raincoat" which is (in my opinion) one of the best songs ever written. Find the stream here: 


Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Hysterical

CYHSY are like Marling soon to release their 3rd Album to date, unlike Marling's quick turn over from her last album CYHSY are releasing this after a good 4 or so years from their last studio album "Some Loud Thunder" and have again found a distinct new sound. The gritty voice of Alex Ounsworth remains the same, a little stronger perhaps. It's I've found (again from listening to about 5 tracks) a little more mainstream and more.. accessible (? if that's the right word) to new fans.. very much like his solo stuff.

Anyway, worth checking out if your a fan, if you'r not... still check it out:

and of course, the new The Drums album is also soon to be released and is streaming on the New York Times site too : http://tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/08/29/now-playing-portamento-the-new-album-by-the-drums/
God Bless and happy listening, L x


I don't like talking to people I know, but strangers, I have no problem with.

When I create "events" on Facebook for me and the (once again, rather outdated but ever so loosely named) "JT Crew" I always use a picture of Larry David. There is no real reason for this, I just love him and on the last event there was which was created by Will (Reddish,) he too used a photo of Larry. This is something I fear I won't be able to do when we all move about and so about 10 minutes ago I decided to make an event on Facebook just so I could put the picture as Larry David.. I deleted the event as making one just for the soul purpose of Larry David made little sense but it made me worry about my feelings towards Larry.

Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David
I instead decided a blog post for my own pleasure (like most of my posts are) would suffice.

A more topical Larry David some 30 years ago?

God Bless, hope you enjoyed the abundance of parentheses in this post, L x