
And I'm like URG why do I need coffee now!

I'm definately not one of those people that spend their lives on youtube, but yesterday my brother showed me this video:

And then he showed me this one:

and it was bloody hilarious. - Well done to both the hilarious woman (Diana of Kansas City) and the Gregory Brothers.

For those who enjoy British science fiction about time travelling Doctors in boxes created by the BBC..

I'm not too sure how the conversation came up, maybe me and Will Reddish were talking about people we hate, maybe we were talking about the time-space continuum, maybe we were discussing how I still have Nik's sonic screwdriver, however the conversation went a little like this.

Me: Urgh, but I HATE River Song... and Martha, Martha's lame! 
Will: I don't really mind Martha, I quite like her, but I don't like River song.
 Me: What? Martha's lame, it goes Rose, Amy, Catherine Tate (because no one ever calls her by          her Doctor Who character name) and Martha.  
Will: No, not at all, Rose, Martha, Amy, Catherine Tate...  

Will:  Anyway, you do know that Amy and River are the same person?
And there it was. Will just put it out there, and it was never going to be taken away and go back in. River and Amy.. the same person.. Could it be? - "No, Never, not even a possibility" my response was. He carried on with this to talk about how on the last episode of doctor who of the last series (if you haven't seen it, I will warn you, with much irony... Spoilers)  That River goes to the wedding of Amy and Rory and gives as them - as part of the wedding "something old, something new" tradition her Tardis like diary, the diary however is blank. We know already however that it has; in previous episodes had writing in it. Therefore, if the blank diary is passed to Amy and in the future River owns it with its writing, they must be the same person.

Anyway, I challenge you fans to go onto the forums I have spent far to much time on and check these arguments out. I rang round a couple of my friends to ask there opinions on the matter, and it is only Will Reddish and Daniel Jolly that think it. 

I would like more opinions and arguments, it has literally been in my mind since lunch yesterday and will be until we find out more in a new episode. Thankyou very much, anyone, please comment on this post. 

God bless Doctor Who, L x


I could pretty much dedicate a blog

Just to the things that Sarah Hall does in her day to day life and the things she says.

Today, I attempted to convert SRH to Christianity. She wasn't having any of it... a massive shame.


It's ashame that I didnt start videoing a minute earlyer when she really did bollock the poor boy.
(this video is not allowed apparently... so no one tell her about it.)

cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe.

The past couple of days has felt like a blur, I don't know weather its because I haven't really had a proper till a couple of hours ago. I feel drained - however, I'm not complaining, its been a good couple of days.

As a celebration of their 25th wedding aneversary the street pastors decided to treat us all and go away on holiday to Prauge. You'd have though that even after the antics of their holiday in Italy (or more the antics that went on at home) my parents would stick to their guns of "your never going to be left in the house alone till your 18" but they didn't - of course, alot has changed since the summer of 2009 and I have of course matured alot, and wouldn't think of going down the same road again. Anyway, so 10am they set off to the airport, leaving me to chillout home alone until today as Will was away for the weekend too.

I dedicated my saturday to, watching crap TV and of course, my gals. After the success of Curry night I invited all the usual suspects round for pizza, films and drinks. There's not more I can really write actually about the night because it would all end up being inside jokes, but I will leave you with this video of two of my favourite fools.


Sausage and Egg Sandwich.
I was awoken Sunday morning with a pussy cat curled up in a ball on the bottom of my bed. When I eventually made it down my stairs all the slobs were lying about my house causing trouble and being hungry, so we raided the fridge and ended up sat round the table eating some breakfast grub, it was a very Jersey Shore guido family moment.

 Sunday night I went over to Manchester using the beautiful GMPTE bus service, which for once: I am FULLY loving, as I needed to get to Reach and then met up with Nik after for Shisha. 
The poor boy had no money, so I bought us a cake to share and a milkshake each, it was very much a beautiful moment until Laura Piekos rocked up. Damascus may be more expensive, but beats Shisha temple hands down.
Then me and Nik spent the evening wasting all my contract money on bloody 118 because he wanted Doritos.  However, apparently at 12 on a Sunday night no shops are open.. even the supposed "24 hour" supermarkets. We were gutted truth be told. We arrived back to Casa Trewinnard far to late but was a nice evening with my boy though, even if I didn't go to bed till late because we were having in depth chats.


Eyes on my nails?
Yesterday wasn't amazing college wise, as no day at BC usually is, spent most of my time trying to track down some ID so I could go out karaokeing with all the reach people. After many "Luce, you'l lose it, I just don't trust you" arguments with various people, I managed to get Kim Gav's ID. (Via Amy Morgan, - I have no idea who Kim is) and set about going karaoeking. All was well until we realised that Laura forgot we were supposed to be Hippies... we pulled it off anyway and it was a good evening. - Up until Pieks forced an emotional brake down on me when I was drunk. Other than that, it was a killer evening and Kim was not even questioned. I also have eyes on my nails too, just as a bonus. I'm also mint at Karaoke, and Yan made me and Laura some amazing cookies at like 3 in the morning. They were SO tasty.


Good Old Kim
Awoke this morning in a bit of a state, with a lack of top and a messy face. None of it mattered as my task was to get to college by 9 because my attendance this year has been shoddy as. The trek down Oxford road didn't even phase a still quite drunk me, and I managed to make it onto the bus to Oldham with time to spare.

Problem was, I fell asleep on the bus and when I woke up at my destination I scurried off... forgetting my purse that was placed on the seat i was sat on. - I of course didn't realise this until I had walked off, and by the time I'd triple checked my bag and ran back to the station the bus had gone. Not helped by the fact I still had some alcohol in my system I found a First bus driver who pointed me kindly to the GMPTE man.
I can't describe the feeling as I though about poor Kim Gav's ID potentially enjoying its ride through Failzworth. I couldn't quite remember what bus I had taken out of the 4 and assumed I'd been on a 83, the lovely man, who was very nice considering the state I was in, he rang up the bus people and told them to check all 83/82's I was literally sat praying that something would work out. After getting a phone call back, there was no purse found. I again checked my bag, praying that something might have happened and my purse might be there. - LOW AND BEHOLD IT WASN'T; but my bus ticket was. - I'd only got a 180 hadn't I, not a 82/83 (looking back, i knew that because I'd typed it into google on my phone for no reason..) anyway, with the information on the ticket the hero that was the GMPTE man singled out the exact bus I was on and again after waiting for the call, there it was. On a 180 going round Saddleworth. I waited for the bus to return to Oldham, it was mint. It was like the worst feeling followed by the best feeling. 
My parents want me to be drunk...
 The 180 turned up, and I got on and asked the man about my purse. It was an awkward but awesome moment when he asked my name and I had to respond "its Lucy...but also Kim?" as I couldn't remember which ID I had on view. It was sweet. Best thing. ah. God totally helped me out. 

Made it to col, and watched some Helena Bonham Carter film about Lady Jane Gray. - It was mint.

Came home and my parents we're there and gave us the whole slide show of pictures and presents times. The street pastors only got me 70% Absinthe with a special spoon to match, and then some Cannabis vodka for my dear brother.
Then I slept off the late nights: now I'm feeling mint, except now I'm in that situation where I want to sleep but I've already slept... So I'm watching Gilmore Girls.

God bless, L x


Twitter has got me all excited.

For those in the Class of 2009.

I was browsing though my first blog and found this: A dedication to Catherine Joan Hill, and the Class of 2009:

Gémissement retentissant

Alan starts the engine,
Air conditioning starts to roar,
Its half-one in the morning;
Ellies sleeping on the floor.

"Ive had no sleep at all" - A resounding moan.

The day begins to clear,
And the sun starts beaming in,
Just another service station,
And a new white plastic bin.

"I got no sleep last night" - Another resounding moan.

Mr Anderson is kipping
The whole coach is burning up
A south perisian sun,
We'll be there soon in good luck

"I want a window seat, I'll kill someone in a minute!" -Resounding, resounding moan.

Were not sure the air cons working,
We were due 10 minutes ago
The heats making us drowsy...
...shes at her window though.

Archers Bows Have Broken

Alice Porter 25 September at 00:37 Report
today i bought a packet of cigaretes then lost them before even opening them and had to buy more :(

Sucks to love nicotine. (Sucks more just to be Alice in general actually) - I have had her Library book (Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar) for matter of months now and shes gathering up a massive fine. The thing is, I can't seem to find the book, and also, when I take it back I'm scared about how much sterling its going to cost... because I'm broke.

Anyway, Just thought I'd share this post about the library situation, if your a friend of mine on facebook, you might have noticed the words "BOOK" "LIBRARY" "NOW YOU SLUT" pop up regulally on my wall... Haha.

God Bless, L x


He caught me - reached all the way from sky to sea; he pulled me out of that ocean of hate, that enemy chaos; the void in which I was drowning.
They hit me when I was down, but God stuck by me.
When I was fenced in, he freed and rescued me because he loves me, I stood there saved - surprised to be loved.
God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him.
When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start.
Now I'm alert to God's ways; I don't take God for granted.
Everyday I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together and I'm watching my step.
God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
(Psalm 18v18-22)


A Wilderness Downtown..

Hey, so I posted this on my twitter a couple of weeks ago when my brother showed it me, but I expect not that many people payed too much attention to it:


I think that it only works if you have google chrome, so, you should proberbly start downloading it now, not only because this is cool, but because everyone knows its the faster than firefox. And for those of you that are still on internet explorer,
then you are WAY behind in the times.

Anyway, all you have to do is type in your home address, or any address you want really and it goes through some little film sortov thing using video's and songs and your mouse moves birds and stuff.

AH its way cool.

Definitely worth a look. With the speakers turned on.

---- Stuff like this is just another reason to use Chrome; and another reason to listen to Arcade Fire.

Bobby Solomon's "Kitsune Noir" blog said:
"Arcade Fire have yet again kept up with having the most innovative videos out there (suck it OK Go)"

Anyway, defo worth a look.

God Bless, L x


you might get no cards, you might get eight...

How's year 13...?

It is very much the same as last year, except I have found myself with ALOT of free time on my hand, which I guess would be good, if I felt as motivated to do my English and history work as I am with my theology in my free time, but I'm not. I've also become very bored, and found myself looking back to what I did last year when I had free periods: turns out that I spent the whole time smoking, and now I can't/don't want that small pleasure. I've resorted to Uno. (I being the remaining "JT" crew at BC - plus a few others.)

It's safe to say that since I last blogged, the think I have most excelled in within the walls of Blue Coat is Uno. Weather it is Uno, Retro Uno, H2 Uno,
or Speed Uno (SpUno) I have become a uno fanatic. It's the worst. It has got to the point, where I found an online Uno application for facebook and have been playing online Uno.
In addition to this, there has been a rule enforced now that Uno is banned from being played by those who have not finished there personal statement. So... It looks like I wont be playing for a while.

In other news, Theology this year is looking awesome. We're spending the whole year on Johns Gospel and really looking into the "I am" statements and some of the discourses'. I'm really excited, we're also doing about authorship, which has set off many arguments and questions on the authenticity (that's the word I want to use, but might not be right and I ceebz googling) of the bible. It's extreme.

Outside of Edgerton Street, life is actually on an up for once... Maybe I haven't done my personal statement, haven't got a job, haven't cleaned Issac's tank for a while and haven't read any of my lit texts for this year but, I'm not particularity sad. I think I'm finding (slowly though it may be) a part of myself that can be comfortable with my family, and also with God, and with God in relation to my friends... I'm still considerably bored when I'm home, and much to my disappointment recently found out I've nearly completed my Gilmore Girls 6 series run through (which took up at least a hour of my day and consists of 145 episodes) but I'm not as sad as I have been, and was on my last post when I was dreading the year ahead.

Nothing really much has gone on this week... but Friday saw Amy Hughes' 18th Birthday party in Grains Bar, sadly, Amy found herself in the awful position of having tonsillitis and so though her antibiotics allowed her to drink (Dr Philip Trewinnard approved himself) she wasn't at her best.
However that did not hopefully stop her from having a mint time, and also defiantly didn't stop us from having a good time. It was a great evening, even if some nutter did take a tactical chunder all over my toilet after getting a bit to lashed; it was cleaned by the nutter however in a very sober manner.

Early Saturday morning a loud sneezing fit from dearest street pastor Ange (Mumma Trew) awoke a hungover Me, Katie Atkin and Amber "Bambi" Nikolich. I cant remember how long we were sat before one of us stood up to fetch the yogurt but it seemed like a life time, after we'd sat moaning when the electricity cut out on us for a hour and we had to actually make conversation with each other in such our disgusting states... The conversation of topic; which had obviously come out of the fact we had no electricity, was what would we do if we were the only 3 living beings left on earth. We soon realised how we couldn't ever possibly live without the Internet, - not only because of the lack of twitter for my sake, but actually, amber couldn't catch her usual 5 buses a day, and the meat would soon rot because the freezers at tesco would be dead, and as Katie pointed out, there would be no chance of us getting to the polar ice caps as amber suggested. It was a long start to the day, and even though physically, I hated life, it was actually rather good.

I then said goodbye to my best friend of 5 years Liz as she today ventured of to uni to study dietetics at Nottingham... It was sad, and I found myself in a rather awkward position with her grandfather who seems to keep cats in cages and take them with him wherever he goes... fascinating, peculiarly, weird, freakish sort of man... but lovely all the same.

Sunday, after camping out at the Piekos' household for a night of Romdroms (laura's suggested name for romantic dramas) saw a day of Church, McDonalds, She's the Man (a hilarious take on Shakespeare's 12th Knight), Reach and leafleting... All of which pretty much speak for themselves other than the leafleting, which was for Christ Church Manchester's student outreach meetings where we were out giving people, students, freshers of Manchester Uni and Manchester Met the following..

So. That has been my week... I'm sure there's more, which is more interesting but I always forget by the time I get to sit down on a computer. If at any point I remember... I'll get on it like a hot rash.

God bless, L x


You'll need those fingers for crossing...

Today was the first day back at The Blue Coat School Oldham, if I told you that I was excited to be returning to the familiar cluster of buildings that is BC I would be lying. In fact, most of you are aware that I've been consistently trying to escape from the place for the past 4 years. (That's not to say that I don't love it in a sense, but I feel almost that I have grew out of it, or ignorant of its rules to say the least.) but before I go into any further detail about my return to Blue Coat, more about the summer.

I think the one term I have used to describe my summer; if anything the term I have over used as its become so natural to say it in the last months, is of course "Ups and Downs." The summer has been very much that, with the end off exams I went into the summer with a ridiculous and eventually broken promise to one of my best friends (Samson) that each day we must drink at least one alcoholic beverage - with the exception of when I was at SUbmerge. I'm very glad to say it's one of the very few promises I have not kept, other wise I fear that after the 7/8/? weeks of constant drinking my liver would have been in a dirty state.
I went into the summer thinking: fuck it. I couldn't be bothered, my exams were over and my results would be awful, I was never going to get into uni after spending year 12 drinking and smoking my body into a early grave and it was pointless, I hadn't attended college much of the last two weeks of A2 lessons and I'd given up. My plan was, make the summer good, or at least, make it hazy.
(Again, I know those that read my last blog know much of this already, but for new readers, and a recap...)
I decided to blag my work experience by taking an easy choice of hanging out with Laura Piekos who's an English teacher at a very small Christian school in Stalybridge (an awesome teacher, might I add.) In doing this, I totally forgot what an amazing person she is, and how she always does this thing where she pulls out a little bit of good in me. It was over all a mint week, and a much needed change from college. Laura also managed to convince me to return to OneUP (now re-named SUbmerge) which is a Scripture Union Christian youth summer Holiday sort of thing that I used to go on as a guest. I was pretty much set on not going, I didn't want to face the mint people that I knew from there as a guest again, I was ashamed of who I'd become pretty much, but with a bit of force and persuasion I agreed and sorted out going.

Between the week of work exp and being at camp I can't really remember much, it included getting very drunk and allot of praying, two that I don't usually mix.

SUbmerge was absolutely awesome. I can't even describe it in any other way, it was so amazing to see everyone again and really catch up with them. Though I was originally really anxious to see them, it ended up being the best. The kid's at camp were really cool too, we did a 36 hour prayer room (a take of the 24 hour prayer movement) where there were about 5 people in the room at all time praying. It was a really good set up and I think effected both kids and team. It felt really strange to see these 11-14 year old's really grow and develop over the week with God and meet with him... and for me, it was very much the same, It made me want to be arsed with God and Church again which is really exciting. I can't thank enough people really for just helping me along, and praying and just listening when I needed. Literally, some of the best people and friends I will ever have. It was a sick week.

I came back from SUbmerge with a different outlook, (cliche as it sounds - and I apologize because nearly everything with Christianity seems wrapped in cliche) I was really excited about God. - I say that it made a massive difference, but I spent the entire week getting drunk because my parents were away and holding stupid gatherings with my friends. I started going to church with the Piek's at Vinelife in Manchester, and eventually began really trying to get stuck in with reading the Bible and getting closer to God. I'm going to start making changes to my life, little ones, but changes all the same, starting with my quitting smoking, it has as of today been 52 days since my last cigarette. I also intend on being a better friend, and to stop being an arse with everyone.

I can't really remember many other big things from my summer, I basically spent the rest of my time at work, and then spending my money on crap, going out for meals and getting drunk. Results day came and went, and I got me:

  • B - History
  • C - Theol & Philos
  • C - English Lit
  • C - Citizenship
  • C - Gov & Pol.
Though I'm not entirely happy, I'm not in the slightest bit upset. I wasn't kicked out, and I might be able to pull everything a grade up next year, (with my re-sits in Jan too.)

I also caught a train to Winch to stay with the sick as a brick Redding family for a couple of days, as I wanted to see them, and also because I wanted to say a proper goodbye to our
Tori Redding who's now set off on her gap year in Spain. It was sweet to see them, check out the south and have a very middle class arrival with afternoon tea and scones. It was a nice brake from home, and I got to spend it with some hero's, and also see some hero's such as the Randalls, the Coulters, and Andy Frost. It was sweet as.

Had another couple of normal days in Manchester, Meals out, Church, Lounging, watching films, very much, just the usual. - this is the vaguest over view of my summer ever. I did do allot of interesting stuff, however its getting late and I'm very tired.

Since the last post...

Not much has gone on. It was however, my dear best friend C-dawg Hill's 18th birthday, we suffered a beautiful night out in Huddersfield of which we all suffered/are suffering for now. I personally had a really good time, and hope that she enjoyed it just as much as I did. (I'm quite sure she did... any night with me is a beautiful night.)

My first day back, well, it was the same as all of last year. I've had a massive issue with going back for the last couple of weeks. I feel ready to go on my gap year (though I'm clearly not as I have nothing planned) all I want to do is get stuck into theology, and as much as I love my friends, I'm having a real trouble being myself with them after recent issues. I can't wait for the next academic year to be over, I know its not going to be all downs, and today wasn't really a down at all...

I anticipate the next year will go to be confusing, but as long as it eventually comes to a happy end, and I leave with some smooth looking results for Uni then I guess I will have to let it run its course.

(I promise, my next blog will be written better, and contain something of a bit more interest than this very vague over view of the last 80ish days.)

God Bless, L x


A big thank you to everyone from SUbmerge, in particular Laura Piekos, for being my go to person, and pretty much everything she's done for me, for everything pretty much, Laura alone could take up this, but her head is big enough as it is... Tori Redding, because she's the best. Because she'll sit up and talk to me till un-earthly hours about important stuff, and crap stuff, and being just one of the most amazing people I've ever met. Sam Shaw, for supporting me in everything, continually making sure I'm ok, for the lack of contact that makes our actual contact AWESOME, and for getting me excited about the future.

There's loads of other people too... but they know who they are.
Anyway, love forever. L x


Oh those silly boys in blue...

I wasn't intending on a seccond entry to my blog untill next wedsnday when the new academic year starts, although when I decided that I didn't think anything out of the usual would happen. (The usual being: sitting in my house all day watching gilmore girls and neighbours.) However sometimes, there's things that happen that you just have to share, and so, this is my story of today, the day when - in the words of Ke$ha- "the po po shut us down."

I happen to belong to a perticullar friendship group that go back about 4 years, formally named from the days of lower school "JT" as readers from Blue Coat are aware. The "JT crew" are not really under any lable as a clique, no, they are a collection of the wastemen of the class of 2004, and their girlfriends (and me, - plus a couple of others, but formally, thats the easyest way to explain "JT") Over the course of Year 12, the group that were once almost family like (see diagram) grew ever so slowly apart, with brakeups, arguments, and college transfers distrupting our friendships. However, primarilly, we love each other, and every so often hang out and today was one of those days.

The old JT hangout spot is in a small field in Scouthead a minutes walk from my house, its the place where we would meet, talk, hang out, have fires, get drunk, and occasionally for some people, camp out. For years, this field near my house with its stone bench has been perfect, today on the other hand, that is not the case. We had planned to meet between 3-6 at the bench, the idea was; bring a disposable BBQ, meat, bread, and alcohol. So that's what we did, it was not the first time we've done it, it was just a nice afternoon on the field.

The BBQ was doing us fine, our food was cooking, the horses had learn't to stear clear of Sam Mullender, and the weather was mildly better than usual. We'd had the usual dog walkers go past, and even the guy who owns the feild had come up, gave us the ok, and asked us to clean up the rubbish and bbq's when we'd finished. It was fine, the alcohol was flowing, the food was destinctly average, but tastey all the same, the ipod speakers were blasting out some anthems and everyone was as expected, hilarious. It wasn't untill I was bent over my half empty can of fosters, debating weather it was mine or not, because it had become slightly flat, or if I'd just not taken a sip for a while, and was proberbly about to tweet some crap about my beer as usuall when i subconciously over heard one of the guys jokingly say "oh my gosh, is that to police?" and another shout something (possibly quite rude or stupid - sam) into the distance that I finaly looked up. As I watched the 3 blad men in blue stride towards us jumping over walls and being more over dramatic than need, at much more than a lesurly pace - but not quite a run, that we noticed it actually was the police... and actually they looked quite angry and serious. At this point, all of the girls began to collect all the rubbish that surrounded them and put it into bins, whilst the boys clearly tryed to hide all sorts of illegal substances away into there bags. I, as the self apointed spokes woman of the group stood up, followed by the rest of the girls, again, whilst the boys sat there, finishing their beer, or their"stumpys cider" The police man explained that we wern't allowed to be their.

Of course, we were, and we had spoken to the field owner and explained this. He then said that we had been reported for starting a fire, which was clearly the smoldering BBQ at our feet. I apologized for the inconvinence we may have caused, and continued to clear up, laughing, he did of course remind me that actually, it was a very serious situtaion and not a laughing matter... I then shut up. Behind the po-po I saw some more uniformed men striding towards us with some unusuall looking tools, it was almost to my delight; the firemen, (although, they weren't even beautiful... just angry) and we contined to be showted at for wasting authoritys time. I tryed to explain that, we'd done nothing wrong, but I'm polite and though it wasnt us wasting their time it was actually the caller, I didnt want to get cocky, they then began on with the situation of underage drinking as none of us are of age yet, they poured our drinks away, and confiscated a large amount of beer. They then took down our details, and gave us some warning about drinking and feilds and beer and horses, or something like that.

They ascorted me, and the rest of JT up the hill, where we faced two kids from the year below watching our walk of shame, and my nextdoor neighbours, who had happend to be sat in there garden conveniently for the first time all summer. My neighbour taunted me as a carried my disposable bbq up the lane, to the fire engine that was parked at the top outside my house. As i let my friends into my back garden, i went round the front to explain to my parents, only to see that the whole population of scouthead had been aware of this unusual trouble, and were stood outside there doors and around the fire engine glaring at me. (You must understand, scouthead is basicly a nursing home, spread into a village.) The police stayed parked outside my house for the next 20-30 minutes.

I had to explain to my parents, who were about to adventure out onto the streets of Stalybridge street pastoring why there were 8 or so of my friends sat in the garden under the washing happily, I feel that they didn't quite see the funny side of our harmless bbq of which we had permission for being shut down rather dramaticly by the police.

And so, my story comes to an end, there's an extended, more dramatic version, but it's saved one on one conversations where I wont be showted at for publicising it on the internet, it is much to X-rated and hard core for my blog. - Literally, the lamest police shut down, ever. I loved it.

Oh, they wont catch me and you.

God Bless, L x


The Chronicles Of A Bohemian Teenager

After months of blogging on my old tumblr account "return ticket to greenfield" I began to feel almost claustrophobic. As my dashboard became clogged with edited scenic photos tinted with a warm vintage haze; my desire to bother with writing died. It's not that I didn't love my old tumblr blog, and part of me was sad when I closed the account, but the excitement of reading teenage girls posts about love and depression got very samey and boring after a matter of weeks. No. Return Ticket to Greenfield, (later re-named "Of seas and ships and scientists") had to come to an end, and a fresh start as a new academic year begins.

So welcome, welcome to "Introspectivewritinginoldham" for those that followed and read my last blog, this will contain very much similar ramblings, nonsense prose and a daily commentary on the life of Lucy Trewinnard however, this time without the fan re-blogging of anything "The Libertines" and "Doctor Who" ...Or at least, until the Doctor hits our screens again.

This blog however, will be open for all to read and there will be links to it on both my facebook account and my twitter, as when I tried to hide my last blog from the world, it ended up being read and scrutinized by all. You must understand, anything I do happen to post, that may sounds in any sort of way offensive or inappropriate, I am after all still too young to yet be taken seriously. This blog is under the url of introspective writing, and therefore is all my point of view, and should not be taken out of context in any sort of way.

I must depart up the road to Denshaw for the evening, but my be assured, my real blogging will start as soon as I have anything to write openly and there will be an End of Summer, Start of Term blog, by the end of the week.

Stick with me on this, and continue reading.

God Bless, L x