
My 3 Christmas Albums.

I find it hard to get into the Christmas spirit... Its hard to find a Christmas spirit at all, the decorations barely do anything for me, and if anything get in the way and annoy me, I guess I'm a fan of mince pies, but really.. I only really feel Christmasy with music.

Now, I do love Christmas cheese when I'm out with my friends, and though over played "Fairy Tale of New York" is a timeless classic, or at least within the fortress that is Blue Coat, and last years Stings christmas album has taken a high place on the Christmas Ipod top album list, but this years 3 Christmas albums however are, in no particular order (they aren't actually all from this year at all):

1) "A Very Ally Christmas" 

I think this is the CD I associate most with Christmas in my head, ever since I can remember dad has this album on in December. It's one I forget about, an album where without knowing I seem to have learnt all of the words to the songs for.
The album is a soundtrack to Ally McBeal, and features cast members singing, such as Calista Flockhart (Ally) and Robert Downy Jr (doing potentially the best song on the album; Joni Mitchelle's River
Yes, this album speaks Christmas to me. Vonda Shepards voice is wonderful. 

2) Sweet Bells 

Another of my dads, for any fans of Kate Rusby, a folky take on some classic Christmas carols, taken with a bit of South Yorkshire tradition. 
I think this album wont be for everyone, but for a fan of folk. It's worth a listen, personally, have a listen to "Here We Come a Wassaling"


3) For Folk's Sake Its Christmas

Now this one is an actual new album, another folk Christmas album from the wonderful people at www.forfolkssake.com who bring us the latest news and the newest bands in the folk world. It's a straight download from this site where you can also have a listen.The site asks for a £1 donation or more with all profits going to the Integrated Cancer Centre at Kings College London. It's from a verity of artists performing more carols with a folky twist. Its a must download, great music for a great cause.

My favourite tracks are:
In The Bleak Mid Winter - Sam Airey
We Three Kings - Bears Den 

Get them all NOW. 

Let me know of any more great Christmas albums or songs that I might not have to add to the Christmas Ipod.

God Bless, L x


Wanted to change my logo thing..

but now i'm not too sure if I do at all.. Maybe in time. If I do, it will come with an entire layout change.

The second one needs a bit more editing, and I'm not so keen on the last one at all really... let me know.. 

First one maybe?


God Bless L x


I am heaven sent, don't you dare forget.

This is a reply to a friend's (a family like friends) blog.
To my dear four leaved clover,

After reading your blog and listening to music that sings your name I have decided to reply to your blog through lyrics from songs that you love, and then I'm going to write a little bit about why I chose that lyric and about how it applys to you, and about how much I love you... because I do, and I can't do anything to help except for tell you nice things. (Note that these lyrics must be taken out of the original context the song put them in.. or they are all probably depressing.)

Cause I've been housing all this doubt and insecurity

From your blog posts, and from knowing you for ever how long I have I know that this is something you do, and its not you're fault, its usually a reaction to the people around you, sometimes its people you've not chosen to be around you, but in the context of this year you did surround yourself with people (one person) that has created this doubt and insecurity, when actually your better than that. I know that you've listened to this song tonight, which contributes to the  reason I chose this perticullar lyric... You're looking for an escape, and I believe that all you need to do is distance yourself from this person, and even you know that. Those "sorry" feelings towards him are hurting you, and your the main concern, because he needs to learn, and the only way to do that is by ignoring... hard as it is. The real question is posed by Eminem "what do you say to somebody you hate, or anyone trying to bring trouble your way?" my only answer is, ignore the bastard.  

Coordinate brain and mouth
Then ask me what it's like to have myself so figured out
I wish I knew

Right, so in you keep talking about how you hate the way your brain works and your thoughts.. and actually, everyone feels the same, and I get upset, because you're so stressed out about how your feeling about life at the moment, when actually, you've got so much to feel good about. A year ago, you were a mess mate, like.. you were slowly sinking into a mess because you had a proper ceebz attituted, and this year you have figured it out, you've got a plan, you've got a job, things are better with family.. (obvs never gna be top because we all know what big C's like) and what your feeling now is just so small in such a big plan... now is nothing, and not worth getting upset about because you're mint and I love you and though I might not understand how your feeling right now..
 because no matter how much they say they understand they just dont, and you know that they dont and that they never will, cos your different to them and you always have been and always will be. 
 and your so right about that... but its not about people understanding you, its about letting yourself lean on people that want to understand to help you feel better, because even though it dosnt help at all when people say "i understand" its because they want to help, because they love you.

And your hair smells of smoke, who will cast the first stone

So.. every time I see someone smoking mayfair smooth i think of you... but you should stop smoking.

We're not the same, dear, as we used to be
The seasons have changed and so have we

I know that this is a song about a couple that slowly stop falling in love (Its the only song that people of Songmeanings seem to be getting the correct understanding of *i know you love using songmeanings, me too....) but actually, this is just life and though its sometimes good to think about how mint the past is, you end up in those "nostalgic pooey moods" but, when you go back to how you felt back then, it was shit... its just looking back and those times were mint, in the future you'll look back to times at the animal place your at, and times with me eating chicken, and it will be mint, but actually as a whole you feel shit, its just, in the words of Joni Mitchell "you don't know what you've got till its gone" and so.. make the best of now, because later you'll want it back. Also, that lyric was a perfect link to my first paragraph about a certain person.. and they're clearling feeling this, and they didn't make the best of what they had with you and they're a state without you. You don't want to be feeling the same as he is right now... "16 just held such better days" even if it seems it, that's not true at all.  These lyric links in with my next one.

'Cause there's no comfort in the waiting room
Just nervous paces bracing for bad news

Stop waiting about for bad news, when you do have so much good stuff right now.. don't let the way you feel grab a hold of you. 
i used to have and despite having gained loads i still feeel a bit meh. 
You sound like a pussy, we need to hang out more, and play loads of trivial persuite and you'll stop feeling meh, and be happy about what you have at the moment.

I was walking through Moss Side with my homies from Oldham, when Alan Sugar saw me and he told me to hold up

So, this happened the other day when I was walking through Moss Side, anyway.. will rap the full details to you another time.

and finally to end this.

The time for sleep is now
But it's nothing to cry about
Because we'll hold each other soon

I love you, I can happily say your the funniest person I know, followed closely by others, but I'm quite sure you top it. Your amazing, you have one of the kindest, most racist, most loving attitudes to life. I, and others don't like seeing you feel like this, and so know that we love you.. 

If you feel discouraged
When there's a lack of color here
Please don't worry lover
It's really bursting at the seams
Absorbing everything
The spectrum's A to Z
This is fact, not fiction
For the first time in years

I love you Nigga. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ange sends her love.


Snowy Scouthead.

just a short update.

Two offers as of yet:

  • Liverpool Hope 
  • Heythrop College 
I'm happy... I guess. I still have no idea what I'm gna do about my gap year. I'm drifting in and out of plans, and well... I have no money for tuitions but have already deferred a year on my UCAS. Blargghuncesm. I think I'm waiting for God to point me in the right direction but I don't know how to go about waiting...

Erm, In other news I have another blog that I'd like you all to read and comment on. The blog is basicly a competition kind'a thing between me and Danny Mo, well.. a competition/review/life enrichment task. 

Anyway, check out the blog from the very first post and keep reading, let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions via twitter, email, text, facey, and human contact ect... That would be cool because I need help for ideas. Of course, I've got my first idea written up, but any help would be appreciated.

Finally, there should be a blog up soon of a new poem I'm working on about diversity, it was originally for a Slam Poetry competition I was going to enter, but I don't think it will be quite done in time, and I'm not too sure about videoing myself reading/rapping. 

But, if I get it done and its good, it will be up here. 

For all BC readers, don't forget to keep checking The Sarah Hall Show.

God Bless, L x