
just a short update.

Two offers as of yet:

  • Liverpool Hope 
  • Heythrop College 
I'm happy... I guess. I still have no idea what I'm gna do about my gap year. I'm drifting in and out of plans, and well... I have no money for tuitions but have already deferred a year on my UCAS. Blargghuncesm. I think I'm waiting for God to point me in the right direction but I don't know how to go about waiting...

Erm, In other news I have another blog that I'd like you all to read and comment on. The blog is basicly a competition kind'a thing between me and Danny Mo, well.. a competition/review/life enrichment task. 

Anyway, check out the blog from the very first post and keep reading, let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions via twitter, email, text, facey, and human contact ect... That would be cool because I need help for ideas. Of course, I've got my first idea written up, but any help would be appreciated.

Finally, there should be a blog up soon of a new poem I'm working on about diversity, it was originally for a Slam Poetry competition I was going to enter, but I don't think it will be quite done in time, and I'm not too sure about videoing myself reading/rapping. 

But, if I get it done and its good, it will be up here. 

For all BC readers, don't forget to keep checking The Sarah Hall Show.

God Bless, L x

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