
A new year is upon us,

and I wish everyone the best. The 12 days of Christmas are finally over and all of a sudden everyone's returning back to college and drinking wine at 3 in the afternoon no longer seems ok.

Christmas saw little take place, what with my parents out street pastoring  and my brothers travelling.. this Christmas was hardly one to remember, not that it was bad at all.. just, not really Christmas.

However, I am welcoming the year with open arms, clean lungs and room for improvement on last year. The last two years I've been trying to clean up from the mess I made, or at least, the last year and a half. Now I want to start doing things again, I'm not sure what exactly these things may be.. but anything. I spent all last year complaining about how boring my life was, and then all I did to get rid of that was drink.

I think this year, I might go materialistic; its probably just the Gossip Girl getting to me though.

Being back at College after Christmas, was, as expected dreary, maybe its because we're all growing up but all anyone seems to do is sit about and do work.. Not that thats not important, infact, as well as quitting smoking and getting more materialistic, I intend on doing more work, but socially, we don't do much.

I don't quite have any answers to this problem. Much as I love my friends outside of school, they tend to be spread out accross the country in term time because of uni, or in some cases.. "buisness" and the remaining (not including the Church Community) are the Saddleworth lot, much as I like them, and I do like them.. they arn't really my scene. Besides the fact that they have all pretty much slept together, the whole, going to parties and all the guys getting naked and the girls wanting to sleep with all of the guys but getting with their best friends scene is getting a little.. repetative and boring.

I want a new, exciting social scene, I want to be materialistic.. when my funding permits, I want clean lungs, though, I'm not sure if that will suffice, and I want to focus on my work, future and plans for my Gap year.

Surely this isn't too much to ask?

So this is the new year. And I don't feel any different.

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