
My 3 least favourite fictional characters.

This is a follow up to my previous, top 3 fictional characters post. I find this easier, there is so many characters that I really hate on TV, but alike my favourite, it changes almost hourly. I am going to structure this one differently, and give it an order of hate. You should also no, these are all TV Characters, I find it really hard to hate any fictional book character.. dislike maybe, but they don't get on my nerves because I imagine them, and I would never imagine someone I really don't like. Unless they are like, proper bad guys. All three of the following feature on my TV screen at least once a week, the winner of my most hated character less due to show release.. and i try to keep her off anyway. So:

At number 3.... Sophie Webster: Coronation Street.

Sophie Webster, Lesbian, Christian and recent strayer from the lord. Tonight's episode featured another (though, there aren't many because I imagine the Coronation Street writers hate her too) Sophie Webster special with her getting drunk and falling off the Church roof. It is not because she's a lesbian that I hate her, no, that doesn't change my opinion of her at all. Although Sian is almost as bad  and adds to my Webster hate. It is the accent... Living in Oldham, I experience first had a strong northern accent - of which I do not partake, and I quite like it. In fact, Billy Caspar was on my list of favourite characters. But there is something about Sophie Webster that makes me shiver. 

Coming in second place is Lyn Scully: Neighbours 

Lyn came very close to coming first. There are a number of bad things this woman has done throughout her time at Neighbours.
  1. Left her baby in a car (it was post-natal depression, but I think that was actually just a cover up)
  2. Had a problem with shop lifting
  3. Served an eviction notice to the hero that is Harold
  4. Blackmails Paul Robinson (which no one deserves, even Paul)
  5. Ruined Rebecca and Paul's wedding
  6. Becomes a spy for Paul telling him all secrets and gossip
  7. Decides to become an insurance fraud by setting her home on fire, but then changes her mind and forgets to put the batteries back in the fire alarm OBVIOUSLY causing a fire. 
  8. General all round rudeness, back stabbing and gossiping thinking she's mint around Ramsay street.
    She still gets referred to as "Nan" by Summer, even though she was only even Summers step grandmother and no longer is any more. And all sorts of other stuff. I REALLY hate Lyn Scully.

    And finally, anyone that knows me could have predicted this. Yes. The fictional character I hate most is Doctor Who's "Future Companion" River Song. 

    I don't know if I can put into words why I hate her. Maybe its the actress rather than the character (that's definitely part of it with Sophie Webster) Maybe its because of her crap tag line "Spoilers"... there are things I definately struggle with when it comes to her relationship to the Doctor, and this might be jealousy, but i can't understand who she is and what the point of her is. She takes away from the real companions and that would have been fine if it was Martha because she's so dull. But when it comes to Amy, and even Catherine Tates character (who is always going to be known as Catherine Tate) River Song just looked like a tit next to them. 

    I just can't understand, I don't like the opinion that she might be the doctors wife, i don't like that she knows more about him than anyone else. I don't like that I'm indifferent to her like I am Martha. If she was just an unimportant character this wouldn't matter as much, but when its a main character I hate it almost makes me want to turn off doctor who, but i love the program. Not liking Harry Potter as a character is fine when reading the books, not liking Frasier is fine when watching the program because they both Frasier and Harry Potter have really good side characters and I don't hate them, they're just bad compared, but I really really dislike River.

    I understand this has become just me rambling... but, there is nothing I can do to describe my hate. 

    More characters that I hate are:

    Nick Tilsley - Coronation Street
    Scrappy Doo - Scooby Doo
    Heathcliff - Wuthering Heights (i only ever read half the book i hated him so much)
    Raskalnikov - Crime and Punishment
    Bella Swan - Twilight 
    Holden Caulfield - Catcher in the Rhy (though sometimes I really like him, its ups and downs) 
    James Bond (though depends on actors sometimes)
    Hamlet - Hamlet
    Buffy's sister - Buffy The Vampire Slayer
    Peter Pevensie  - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
    Nicholas Cage (I know hes a real person, but i really don't like a single character of his, because i don't like him"  
    Mayelle Ewell - To Kill A Mocking Bird 
    Ginny Weasley - Harry Potter 

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