
You were talkin' so brave and so sweet.

I need you, I don't need you.

I don't care much for Valentines day, I never have... I think Dwight Shrutes idea of valentines day is much more to my ideal "My perfect valentines day? I'm sat at home with 3 mobile phones in front of me fielding desperate calls from people who want to buy one of the 50 restaurant I reservations I made 6 months ago.." I don't think its because I'm "single" per-se, because I don't really feel single, its just with S being in Birmingham for the last.. forever its just, unusual. 

All in all, the end of January and February haven't been quite as sad as it might appear from the outside, stressful, what with all the goings on in Egypt and the worry about my brother and Andrea, and there has been another February death to add to the list.. but actually, It hasn't felt so bad. I've had a couple of really good weekends celebrating friends 18ths and got to see Hamlet at the Lowery with my mint Eng Lit class. There have of course been more problems 
with the past month, but I think that if we've learnt anything from that, it is don't blog about it. 

It's the reach weekend away this weekend, and that worries me a little.. I'm all up for it I think, but I'm nervous. I'm usually ok at making friends, once I feel comfortable and I'm not the new person. Like when I first went to Blue Coat, as soon as I became comfortable I made friends with ease but that wasn't until I'd been there a year. 

Then next week is half term, and so the girls meal out is taking place I think? - Sushi again because we haven't done that in a while, and then my Manchester University interview on Weds which Sam Shaw is coming down for.. I'm excited to see Sam, and half excited for the interview. Having mega fears that one of us will get in and the other won't. I hope we both get in though because we're both mint and deserve it. 

s'pretty much it.

don't wanna be getting all personal an stuff. 

gna go listen to The Streets new album, as reviewed by Julez. It's sounding good so far. 

God Bless L x

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