
Facebook vs Google+?

For me, its a no-brainer.

Google + has got all of the best things about Facebook and incorporated it into its own Social Networking site. Facebook, the worlds favourite social networking site isn't however going to give in that easily, it has the worlds hearts and people don't like change. A slight layout change on Facebook and the whole world gets angry, but if you ask me the new features that Google + has added are ones that were much needed. Post Editing for one is something that most people that are already in my "Circles" (which isn't many as of yet) have commented on.

Yes, Post Editing along with the natural filters which the Circles create meaning that I can say what ever I like about something or someone and only the people I want ever get to see it, Google chats "Invisibility" feature, the over all aesthetic qualitys of Google and of course the bond between Android and Google which enables the "instant upload" for those people which have their Google Accounts synced to their Android phones. I don't doubt that it will take a hell of a long time to get off the ground, and that Google+ has a some existing features that it needs to edit. One being that although I can not Google chat to people that I didn't already have as a contact on Google chat, another being the Photo/Picasa integration - I'm not so sure that the whole photoing layout is quite as neat as facebooks, which is a massive issue as Facebook's photo sharing is one of its best features.

All in all, I do like Google + a lot. I look forward to a time in the future where I can +1 an article I've read and then people in my circles can see it, I look forward to there being no one under the age of 18, so I don't have to put up with the dribble from the lower years in Blue Coat that seem to consist of about 25% of my Facebook friends. What I'm hoping is that Google + becomes a place where all the best people from facebook come.. but people in general don't like change and I feel that it will take some time.

Google + has much potential but it still needs to iron out some issues hopefully by the end of the "Trial Period." But has Google + come too late?

Most likely. Facebook is a the king of Social Networking, it is Billions of users ahead of the trail users on Google + and that's not quite it: Facebook will be quick off the mark to pick up on the main Google + selling features, what with it already working on a Video chat integration with Skype to follow up on Google +'s own video chat and "Hangout" feature. Facebook will, as Google itself does with Bing, keep copying and updating.

Either way, I still have high hopes for Google... maybe its because I just can't be bothered with deleting people I don't want on Facebook, either way, it has potential - and much more that Googles previously "failed" setups such as Wave and Buzz.

For further reading and information:

Google Vs Facebook (by the numbers)
Google Vs Facebook - A verdict.
Google Plus a thoughtful answer to Facebook

God Bless L x

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