

I don't know why it was that even after listening to a few of my all time favourites, I was not close to being moved out of this mood that has been slowly gripping me in over the last week. It wasn't in fact until I put Tori Reddings "Favey Dance Songs" playlist on spotify that artists such as Soulja Boy and Taio Cruz that saved me From my own thoughts... 

The past two Sundays I've found myself back into last years routine of planning which lessons and days I'm going to skip in the forthcoming week. I don't know weather it's Blue Coat, my family, or the stress of future planning that's been getting me down, but its been getting heavier and heavier each day.

I think today its reached a point, when I realised the chances of having a Gap Year have become less than slim (more than slim?) What with the new tuition fees situation and all that. It feels like the buzz that I was getting in the summer is finally drawing to a close.

In other, more positive news "The Sarah Hall Show" is up and running, - yes, it is real, though I joked about it in a previous blog, since then there has been progress and editors, its up and running, and for all students of Sarah Hall, it is definitely worth a read. 

For chocolate lovers, fans of hot drinks, or salt addicts like myself you should all be aware, of the beauty and taste genius that is: a pinch of salt in your hot chocolate. This is not something I just tried out after a sudden brain wave, no, I saw it watching Series 2 of Modern Family on Sky 1 (definitely worth watching) when there was a chocolate milk salt scene. It was curiosity, I tried it in my hot chocolate out of curiosity, and there it was, sensational.  - Okay, so maybe I'm reading to much into it, but I advise it, as one commenter on David Lebovitz Belgian Hot Chocolate recipe said "People always forget the pinch of salt – its the secret ingredient in good hot chocolate!"  

I don't really have anything else to write, I've done nothing interesting in the slightest since my last blog, I hate to admit to a boring life, but my day to day antics get very humdrum. I did however venture to another 18th on Friday; our Kayt Hughes', It was lovely, and i certainly enjoyed myself, even the part when I was watching in awe as amber through up her bowls of coconut jelly and blue ice cream. The state. On that,  I will leave you with this: another video of Amber:

Thank you for reading, next post I will try and remember the little hilarious things that take place from day to day in my life, instead of giving you a brief over view on stuff that you don't care too much about. I am hoping that by the end of this week I can get my personal statement up for you all to laugh, criticise, scrutinize and edit, and then I can perfect it. Also, will do a post on how things are with God at the moment and my feelings towards Vinelifes Student Alpha course. 
God Bless, L x

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