
Half Term has finaly arrived.

And, if I might say so, it was about time.

Thursday brought us the last day of the first instalment to the School year and Blue Coat's second college party this year, (I regret to inform you all, it was my first of the year as due to financial situations, I had to get my ticket refunded first party) Though over a week before Halloween, it was a Halloween fancy dress party; I would like you all to know at this point, I don't really agree with the whole Halloween idea, but have to keep my social status up and after missing the first party.. well, I feel my reputation was getting a little lost in the post.

Yes, Candle Light Oldham (potentially the oldest, most deserted and dirtiest venue in Oldham: that's saying alot) welcomed us back with open arms, and being on the inside of the school social scene I happen to know that the venue welcomed us back for free. This is all well, and, there was a massive intake of money for BC's SF prom and charity fund, however for some reason we were kicked out onto the streets before the strike of midnight.

On a usual night, this may not have been a problem it would just mean a early start to the night out in Oldham, but considering the majority of people were covered in fake blood and face paint and a lack of ID (Candlelight literally served us well) there was much moaning and stress.

Forgetting the abrupt end to the evening it started off well; I started my evening at 151 Mottram Road as per usual with the "Fubar" girls (Fubar girls has however been changed a lot over the years and only 4 out of the original 7/8 remain, it also included additional people, including Cavan and Damon) the evening started off slowly, with us all getting ready too early in my opinion and starting drinking too late. - I also missed my termly pre-sesh Neighbours ep. However, once all dressed:

(from left to right) Harriet, Damon (Gladiator) Cavan (Mario),
 Sophie, Jenni, Mary, Joanne, Myself (bats/vamps)
The drinking and the games followed, over all, the night was a great end to the term, and although there were some points where I couldn't move for wanting to throw up. (I feel it was the repercussions of the absinthe my parents brought back from Prague for me) I did have a really good night.

In other more resent news; I have just, in the last couple of hours completed and sent of my UCAS (click to see a copy of my personal statement) so hopefully this time next year I will be enjoying the knowledge of having a place at any of the following:

  • University of Bristol
  • University of Manchester
  • Queens University Belfast
  • Liverpool Hope University
  • Heythrop College London 

Before embarking on my gap year, God Bless, L x

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