
Since we became accelerated readers, we never leave the house

I didn't set an alarm last night, I just didn't want too.
This morning my dad woke me up, late, as he assumed my alarm would go off.
He asked me if I was going to shower. I said no and rolled back over.
I needed a shower.
I knew full well I didn't set that alarm for a reason, even though I needed a shower and had morning lessons today.

It wasn't happening, dad left for work and when I woke up it was 10 O'clock and I was not about to go and pay 2:50 to get on a bus, to go to two lessons I am way behind on work from. (If it was another lesson, me being behind on work wouldn't make a different, i am behind on 3/3 subjects at the moment.)

Luckily, I had two episodes of Gilmore Girls to watch, then I showered, I attempted work, but it was not happening.

Mum wasn't arsed about me not going to college, as she's not gotten over the fact that I actually had stuff to put in a personal statement and is still proud of me, (I think now after 24 hours the moments passed as she's spent the evening mocking me) but this morning, her pride was still fresh and so she took me out for a pub lunch and a little shop round Uppermill.

I'm not going to lie, it's not been a bad day at all. My usual day off would be spent watching Jeremy Kyle, but no, today, i got to feast on a medium rare sirloin stake with onion rings at the Church Inn.

This evening was the first time I made it to the Spinners Arms in ages, it was definatly one of the folk clubs busier evenings and I only got to play 3 songs in 3 hours I was there:

  • Naked as we came - Iron and Wine
  • Such Great Highs - Iron and Wine (cover of Postal Service) 
  • Aside - The Weakerthans (acoustic) 

However, my "Aside" was very scrappy, and it wasn't what I wanted to play, however id forgotten to retune my guitar from drop Eb so when it came to playing, that was the only song I could remember in said key. Much to my disappointment, Jonny (My main competition/the only other guy my age) played much better than I did and left before I got to outshine him with my Iron and Wine covers... maybe he would have outshone me back if he stayed though. Psh, credit to the guy - next week however. Its on.

Tomorrow is the first proper week of Alpha, I'm actually really looking forward to it, see how it pans out from how it was when I did it last year (or maybe two years ago? - I can't remember)

That's it for today, My bloging been really really lame recently, what with my focus being on my personal statement and the Sarah Hall show. Hopefully after this busy week I'll be able to get back on track.

God Bless, L x

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