
Tonight was one of those:

"I'm knackered, its 8:30 and I don't even want to do anything, I'm going to bed" - kinda nights, though, every time I get like this, I get my netbook out to watch some stupid film I decided to download on the basis that know one will know it and I just might find some amazing cult indie film that only I have seen and that makes me super awesome - because, I'm pretty sure I think like this subconciously as my netbooks full of, potentially great cult indie films, that are actually crap.
Anyway, I decided to start googling, not really much, and im not even sure how I ended up on this website.. I think I was just going from blog to blog, anyway, I ended up on the website of this guy who designs and sells these really cool quilts... like, patch work stuff... Not usually my scene, I must admit, but yes. I was checking out all of these cool quilts and was all up for asking for one for Christmas off  the rents but when I finally got round to it, it turned out that these quilts are pretty darn expensive at $800 each. I was gutted. However I liked it enough to want to show you all this video of Boo Davis' book "Dare to be Square" on his patchwork and quilt work stuff.. its all based around reinventing traditional designs and stuff.

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